RPA Europe 2021
RPA, business process optimization and AI conference
April 13-15
Confirmed Talks
Azim Zicar
Zicar Consultancy Ltd, UK
Lessons Learned from Scaling an RPA Team
In this talk, Azim will cover some of the more important lessons he has learned whilst scaling teams from a Lead Developer perspective in order to give you a fresh perspective and a heads up about some common challenges he has come across.
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Mahesh Vinayagam
qBotica INC, US
A Deep Dive on how to build diversified automation ecosystem maximizing current investments and scale enterprise automation.
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Eduard Shlepetskyy
Ective.eu, Slovakia
Presentation brings practical reasons, arguments and use cases why it makes sense to automate process, even if it is not perfect.
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Scott A. Helmers
Harvard Computing Group, US
RPA is great for automating the steps in a work process but doesn’t help you define the process. What if you could also automate creation of a process map and then use that map to create process automation?
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Ivona Tautkutė
Tooploox, Poland
The talk is an overview of AI methods that are applied in online business, with particular focus on generative adversarial networks (GAN) and creating synthetic images.
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Asanka Abeysinghe
WSO2, Inc, US
Asanka will share his experience on how architects can contribute and introduce a framework to follow on refactoring enterprises.
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George Panou
Mellon Technologies, Greece
IoT technology is one of the most important technological advancements of the future.
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Cem Dilmegani
AIMultiple, Germany
Join this session and you will find out all about the best AI procurement practices! We will be discussing topics like hire vs outsource vs build, pre-trained vs configured and much more!
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Diego Hueltes
RavenPack, Spain
From this space race we can learn some lessons that we can apply to our Machine Learning projects to have a bigger success rate in a limited amount of time.
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